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STAKS Benching By FirstOffice


FirstOffice continues to impress with their crossover products. STAKS Benching is their ‘benching expansion’ solution, an extremely versatile line of light scale work environments. Wheather designing large, open plan office settings that can accommodate an entire workforce, or scaling down to customize small, private offices, Staks has seemingly endless options for building your most suitable work environment. Based on the idea of integrated benching, Staks offers many different ways to configure a great looking and custom work environment, and does so by offering many different work styles and space division partitions. Privacy and storage needs are also satisfied by the associated Staks Crossover Casegoods, which pair up perfectly with benching systems to provide clean, uniform looks. The various rectangular and quad/tri shaped worksurfaces allow for future growth, and are available in many different colors, styles, and finishes. Staks Benching will most certainly help your office transition into new modes of productivity.


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